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12 Apr 2022CERC launches MAQS-Health coupled air quality modelling system
This ambitious SPF Clean Air project, led by CERC, has developed a new world-leading coupled air quality modelling system spanning national to urban street scales and accounting for physical and chemical processes at all relevant scales: from thousands of kilometres to metres, and from seconds to days or weeks.
We launched the system on 24th March at an online workshop with 50 stakeholders from organisations including Defra, Environment Agency, Met Office, UKHSA, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales, and 13 universities and research organisations. The Universities of Edinburgh, Birmingham and Lancaster, the Met Office, and CERC presented case studies of the system application. We also launched interactive maps of example system output at 20m resolution across the UK (see the figure).
The system predictions are available at a wide range of spatial and temporal resolutions enabling personal exposure and health impact modelling using a range of metrics at national, city, neighbourhood and local scales. Researchers using the system are able to investigate health inequalities, and also assess a wide range of national and local policy measures such as Clean Air Zones and reduced ammonia emissions from farming.
The MAQS-Health system is available for research projects. If you are interested in using the system please contact CERC and we will be delighted to discuss your research with you.
31 Mar 2022Mapping solid fuel use for potential extension of smoke control area in York
CERC Consultants have been working with City of York Council, UK, who are considering additional measures for smoke control actions, including a potential extension of the city's Smoke Control Area (SCA).
To aid the Council's decision-making, we generated GIS datasets to provide insights into solid fuel use across York. Fuel use data from Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and Council data for wood burner installations were mapped using address locations from the Local Land and Property Gazetteer.
Key insights from the mapping include:
Based on this work, City of York Council are considering changes to the SCA boundary, subject to further consultation.
28 Feb 2022ADMS-Urban, ADMS-Roads & ADMS-Airport 5.0.1 released
CERC are pleased to announce that version 5.0.1 of ADMS-Urban, ADMS-Roads and ADMS-Airport is now available for download from the user area.
ADMS-Roads is designed primarily for networks of roads that may be in combination with industrial sites, for instance small towns or rural road networks. ADMS-Urban can model large urban areas providing output from street-scale to urban-scale. ADMS-Airport has the features of ADMS-Urban, and can also incorporate all relevant emission sources at airports by using algorithms designed specifically to model dispersion from aircraft engines.
Some of the new features in version 5.0.1 include
All the updates are described in detail in the What's New? guide.
For further information on this release or any CERC products please email us.
3 Feb 2022Defra 2021 Air Quality Model Intercomparison Exercise
CERC are undertaking a project commissioned by Defra in partnership with the Met Office, the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), the Environmental Research Group at Imperial College London and Ricardo in relation to an intercomparison study between models that have the potential to be used for Defra's compliance reporting commitments. Models involved in the intercomparison exercise are: the air quality model included in the Met Office's Unified Model (AQUM), UKCEH's application of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme EMEP MSC-W model, Imperial College's CMAQ-Urban model, in addition to Ricardo's Pollution Climate Mapping model, which is currently used for reporting in relation to the UK's EU Directive (2008/50/EC) requirements.
All models have been configured to calculate pollutant concentrations over the whole of the UK, for 2018, at a sufficiently high resolution to allow quantification of air quality at background and, where possible, roadside locations. CERC's role has been to undertake the model evaluation, and over the last year, the team has been working closely with all modelling teams to facilitate the provision of the data required for the study.
CERC have assessed the formulations of the meteorological, chemistry and pollutant dispersion components of the modelling systems, including quantification of some model inputs and outputs. Facilitated by the powerful MAQS-Health Verification System, modelled concentrations have been evaluated in comparison with measured data from over 400 monitors from multiple networks, including a wide range of short- and long-term metrics. The metrics associated with Air Quality Directive reporting were derived from each model dataset and compared in graphical and statistical format. Common themes were identified including data quality and availability, calibration approaches and potential for future development. The final project report is currently under review by Defra and will inform Defra's modelling strategy for the future.
26 Jan 2022CERC assesses Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in Lambeth and Southwark
As part of an emergency transport response to the pandemic, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) have been introduced in many London Boroughs, to help people safely walk, cycle and use public transport.
CERC consultants have been evaluating the air quality impact of LTN schemes, including five schemes in Lambeth and the Walworth and Dulwich schemes in Southwark. Using local traffic monitoring data as input, the modelling assessments consider pre-scheme and post-scheme scenarios to assess the air quality impact of these LTNs.
CERC's ADMS-Urban and emissions inventory tool EMIT were used for the modelling. In addition to local traffic data, the model set-up used data from the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory.
Concentrations of NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 were modelled on a grid of receptor points within each LTN, to generate high resolution maps for the scheme areas. Model output was also generated at sensitive receptors, such as schools and hospitals.
LTN monitoring reports for Lambeth can be viewed on the Council website.Where LTNs are finalised, CERC reports are available to view, for example for the Railton LTN. The figure shows the change in annual average NO2 concentrations at Railton LTN, assessed using significance criteria from EPUK and IAQM guidance for Land Use Planning & Development Control.
A presentation on the assessment of LTNs from the 2021 ADMS User Group Meeting is available to view on the CERC website user area.
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