CERC — Environmental Software and Services

Traffic emissions datasets

The following UK road traffic emissions datasets have been incorporated into CERC software.

Road traffic emissions datasets Release date COPERT version ADMS-Urban, ADMS-Roads, ADMS-Airport EMIT
EFT 12.0 December 2023 5.6 Patch available
EFT 11.0 November 2021 5.3 From v5.0.1 onwards Not necessary*
EFT 10.1 August 2020 5.3 From v5.0 onwards From v3.7b
EFT 9.0 May 2019 5.0 From v4.1.1 onwards
EFT 8.0 Deceember 2017 5.0 From v4.1.1 onwards From v3.6
EFT 7.0 July 2016 4.11.0 From v4.1 onwards
EFT 6.0 November 2014 4.10 From v4.1 onwards
DMRB IAN 185/15 January 2015 n/a From v4.1 onwards

* The fleet and emission factors in the EMIT EFT 10.1 datasets are also equivalent to EFT 11.0.

Traffic emissions datasets and CERC software

CERC software incorporates emissions datasets in order to automatically calculate road traffic emissions from traffic flows. UK environmental regulators may require the use of particular traffic emissions datasets. The table above lists some UK road traffic datasets which have been incorporated into CERC software.

CERC software includes other emissions datasets for road traffic and other sources, from the UK and abroad. These datasets are listed in the user guides, available on our user guides page.

Emissions Factor Toolkits (EFT)

The “Emissions Factors Toolkit” (EFT) is published by Defra and the Devolved Administrations to assist UK local authorities in carrying out Review and Assessment of local air quality. The EFT includes speed emission coefficient equations taken from the European Environment Agency (EEA) COPERT emission calculation tool. More information is available on the Defra website.

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)

The “Design Manual for Roads and Bridges” (DMRB, available online) relates to the assessment of trunk roads, including motorways, in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It includes emission factors. DMRB Interim Advice Note 185/15 provides updated emission factors for relevant projects in England. The factors are derived from congestion research by the Highways Agency.

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